Nutritionist & Dietician Avni Kaul in the Media

लंबी उम्र के लिए दिल को यूं रखें स्वस्थ

28-09-2018: न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट अवनी कॉल कहती है व्यायाम और अच्छा खानपान दोनों ही जरूरी हैं

9 Foods to Help You Heal Faster After Childbirth

25-09-2018: It makes little difference whether it’s fruit yogurt or unsweetened, although live yogurt is best”, says Avni Kaul.

Makanan Penjaga Kesehatan Seksual dan Peningkat Libido Pria

04-09-2018: Avni Kaul, nutrisionis dan ahli kesehatan mengungkapkan bahwa makanan.

12 Aphrodisiacs that Are Also Great for Male Sexual Health

03-09-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, says "Anything that is good for the heart is good for the penis - that is the general rule..

Foods To Avoid For A Good Night’s Sleep

30-08-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul,Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, Nutri Activania A good night’s sleep is a blessing that everybody needs to rejuvenate and work well and efficiently the next day too.

Here’s How Walking Can Help You Lose Weight

02-08-2018: According to Avni Kaul, “Even 150ml of a high-calorie, sugar-laden sports drink can undo all the good walking you may have done.

Diabetes Linked to Obesity, Infertility More in Men Than Women

30-07-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, says:

देश में 35 लाख लोगों को नहीं पता, वे हेपेटाइटिस-सी से पीड़ित हैं, कहीं आप भी.

27-07-2018: पोषण विशेषज्ञ अवनी कौल इस बारे में कहा, विज्ञान ने पिछले कुछ वर्षो में बहुत तरक्की कर ली है जिसकी वजह से हेपेटाइटिस सी का इलाज संभव है.

देश में 35 लाख लोगों को नहीं पता, वे हेपेटाइटिस-सी से पीड़ित हैं

27-07-2018: पोषण विशेषज्ञ अवनी कौल इस बारे में कहा, "विज्ञान ने पिछले कुछ वर्षो में बहुत तरक्की कर ली है जिसकी वजह से हेपेटाइटिस सी का इलाज संभव है।

अगर इस बीमारी को किया नजरअंदाज तो हो सकता है लिवर का कैंसर

26-07-2018: पोषण विशेषज्ञ अवनी कौल इस बारे में कहा, "विज्ञान ने पिछले कुछ वर्षो में बहुत तरक्की कर ली है जिसकी वजह से हेपेटाइटिस सी का इलाज संभव है.

35 लाख हेपेटाइटिस-सी के मरीज अपनी बीमारी से हैं बेखबर, रिपोर्ट में हुआ खुलासा

26-07-2018: पोषण विशेषज्ञ अवनी कौल इस बारे में कहा, "विज्ञान ने पिछले कुछ वर्षो में बहुत तरक्की कर ली है जिसकी वजह से हेपेटाइटिस सी का इलाज संभव है. जब बीमारी आठ से बारह सप्ताह से चल रही हो तब भी उसका 90 प्रतिशत लोगों में उसका उपचार संभव है.

3 Healthy & Simple Potato Recipes

27-07-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activani Potato is the most misunderstood in the group of vegetables, especially by people who are aiming at losing weight."

The 5 Healthiest Sushi Rolls On Your Favourite Japanese Restaurant's Menu

18-07-2018: According to Avni Kaul, a Delhi-based nutritionist, it all depends on the ingredients used to make the roll because that determines its calorie count..

Want To Keep Diabetes Away? Eat Walnuts, Apples, Carrots

09-07-2018: Delhi's best nutrition and dietician Avni Kaul shares, “Citric acid, or citrate, is an organic acid that exists in all fruits. The highest concentration of citric acid occurs in lemon juice with 1.44 grams per ounce of juice. Lime juice comes in second with 1.38 grams per ounce...

Hum Fit toh India Fit | Ep-2| Acro Yoga & Aerial Yoga | Aditi Chauhan Footballer| Nutrition Tips

05-07-2018: Nutritionist and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul Talks About Child Fitness and Nutrition with DD.

Chocolate for Weight Loss? Yes, You Got It Right!

07-07-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi, notes: Dark chocolate also contains healthy fats.

Overweight and Beautiful: Is a positive body image dangerous when you are overweight?

15-06-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul, Nutritionist & Founder of Nutri Activania It takes all kinds of people to make the world as beautiful as it is

How to stay healthy while travelling?

05-06-2018: Avni Kaul, a Diabetes educator, nutritionist and entrepreneur to decode the secret to stay healthy even while travelling.

Men’s Health: 5 Medical Tests Every 30-Year-Old Man Must Get Done

12-06-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi, says, health screenings for men can be as basic as getting a monthly blood pressure check.

Quit Smoking? Let Diet and Nutrition Help You Rebuild Your Health

31-05-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi says,Smoking drains the body of many essential vitamins and minerals, affecting your ability to absorb these vital nutrients.

Quit Smoking? Let Diet and Nutrition Help You Rebuild Your Health

31-05-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi says,Smoking drains the body of many essential vitamins and minerals.

World Thyroid Day, keep your thyroid healthy with the right diet, exercise

25-05-2018: One should also eat diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids like nuts (almonds, walnuts), chia seeds, flax seeds and olive oil,” says Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi.

8 Signs of nutritional deficiencies in children

20-05-2018: Wellness coach and nutritionist, Avni Kaul, from NutriActivania says, “Many of the signs of nutritional deficiencies in children are labelled as ‘genetic’ or pre-determined.

Hypertension in Kids - Parents, Could You be the Cause?

17-05-2018: This is increasingly a public health problem,” says Avni Kaul.

6 Important Tests That Men Over 50 Need

15-05-2018: Nutritionist and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul talks about body check up tests for men after crossing 50 years .

Mango Myth: Are Mangoes Really Fattening?

20-04-2018: Authored by Nutritionist Avni Kaul.

How To Eat Right When Travelling

04-05-2018: Nutritionist and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul talks about tips to eat while travelling.


10-04-2018: Inputs By Avni Kaul, Founder of Nutri Activania Regarding Consumption of Mango .

How to reduce risk of developing Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome – PCOS

14-03-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul on well-balanced diet that helps to reduce the risk of developing symptoms of PCOS. It also helps in managing weight and regulating insulin levels in the body..

Sleep Inducing Foods

02-04-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul: Don't go for sleeping pills, eat food which helps in inducing sleep.

Blood Type Diet: Should You Eat According to Your Blood Group?

03-09-2016: Authored By Avni Kaul: The Blood Type Diet, also known as the Blood Group Diet, was initiated.

Jackfruit – Kerala’s Own Fruit

06-04-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul: You can call it a fruit as well as vegetable as it is eaten both in raw as well as cooked form, jackfruit known as ‘kathal’ is indigenous to the Indian soil and grows in abundance in the southern part of the country.

Some Diet Myths Busted @ HelloMeets Health Meetup

25-01-2018: Avni Kaul, Senior Nutritionist at Fitness First at HelloMeets recently organised a meetup on The Ultimate Nutrition Guide to Women’s Health.

Tips to Keep Your Protein Intake in Check

01-09-2017: Avni Kaul, Dietician at Fitness First Iconic in south Delhi's Saket, says protein is a highly essential component that a person requires, because it assists in repairing and rebuilding body tissues.

I Hit Upon My Ideal Diet During The Biggest Loser Challenge.

05-10-2017:Biggest Loser Challenge Contestant Reveals How Avni Kaul's Diet Plan Benefited Him.

Despite My Diagnosis, I Stick to My Workout

11-10-2017:Avni Kaul helped provided a nutritional guidance to the patient with breast cancer.

The Secret Eating Life of a Nutritionist: 9 Tips to Keep You in Shape

06-11-2017: Ever wondered if nutritionists follow their own advice? Read Avni Kaul’s personal rules for weight management.

Blood Type Diet: Should You Eat According to Your Blood Group?

13-11-2016: Authored By: Avni Kaul, The Blood Type Diet, also known as the Blood Group Diet, was initiated and popularised by a naturopathic physician by the name of Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, in the year 1996. .

The post-Diwali purge

09-11-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach talks about detoxification after festivities .

Asthma & Diet By Avni Kaul

08-10-2018: It has been noticed that there has been an increase in the number of people suffering from asthma in recent years..

Know All About The Magical Spice Available In All Indian Homes: Turmeric

01-11-2018: Avni Kaul, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, Founder Of Nutri Activania Talks On The Benefits & Uses Of Turmeric.

Eat Right To Beat Air Pollution

01-11-2018: By Avni Kaul According to the World Health Organization, there are 7 million fatalities as a result of air pollution.

Positive Body Image Vs Obesity – Choose What You Will Encourage

25-10-2018: By Avni Kaul It takes all kinds of people to make the world as beautiful as it is. And happy, confident, outgoing overweight people are also a part of it..

विराट कोहली ने मांस, दूध-दही खाना क्यों छोड़ा

18-10-2018: न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट और वेलनेस कोच अवनि कौल का कहना है कि हर खिलाड़ी को अपने खेल के मुताबिक, अपने शरीर के मुताबिक ख़ुराक़ों की ज़रूरत पड़ती है.


10-10-2018: Win The Battle Over Bulge With Food Habits From India- Avni Kaul, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activania.

Food habits to keep your heart healthy

08-10-2018: Avni Kaul, Nutritionis, Founder of Nutri Activania says The heart can be kept trouble-free by controlling weight, exercising regularly and eating nutritious food. .

The H Word – Balance Your Hormones The Natural Way

02-10-2018:By Avni Kaul,Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activania says Hormones affect your mental, physical and emotional health by controlling your appetite, weight and mood..

Manu, the chosen one

01-10-2018: Nutritionist Avni Kaul called upon to help the young athletes deal with situations that may arise during their stay in Argentina..

World Heart Day: Keep Your Heart Healthy With Lifestyle Changes

29-09-2018: A superfood is something that packs in maximum nutrition and provides several nutrients to the body at one time. Says nutritionist Avni Kaul.

Good Food Habits For A Good Heart!

29-09-2018: By Avni Kaul September 29 is marked as World Heart Day. More men and women all over the world are diagnosed with debilitating heart disease than any other health problem.

World heart day 2018: लंबी उम्र के लिए दिल का यूं रखें स्वस्थ

28-09-2018: न्यूट्री एक्टीवेनिया की प्रमुख अवनि कौल ने दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ये पांच सुझाव दिए हैं

लंबी उम्र के लिए दिल का यूं रखें स्वस्थ

28-09-2018: न्यूट्री एक्टीवेनिया की प्रमुख अवनि कौल ने दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ये पांच सुझाव दिए हैं : * भोजन की मात्रा पर ध्यान दें

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